Here are a few of our favorite bits of advice to help you stick to your 2020 resolutions:
# 1: Start Early
As stated above, starting your 2020 resolutions before the holidays can help you make wiser choices during your Thanksgiving and/or Christmas gatherings. No need to procrastinate until after the holidays, when many people gain 5 to 7 lbs. and often hit the emotional challenges of the seasonal affective disorder otherwise known as the "winter blues".
# 2: Think Big
Focus your fitness goals on a larger, singular goal instead of several smaller goals. For example, set a goal of running a 5k, 10k or half marathon instead of running X times per week and improving your mile pace by X minutes / mile.
# 3: Set Small, Attainable Nutrition Goals
For dietary goals, start with drinking more water every day for 21 days. Once you accomplish this goal, you'll feel super productive and much more empowered to tackle your other nutritional goals.
# 4: Buddy Up
Consider the accountability of goal-sharing with friends or family members. Keeping each other accountable will serve both of you better in the long run and you'll ultimately reap some great benefits.
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ONE FREE WEEK at your local ATH facility and schedule your first class today.
So what are you waiting for? Get started today and make this your best year yet!